सीफ़ूड के 10 स्वादस्त तथ्य: विविधता, पौष्टिकता, रसदार परंपरा, आनंदकारी अनुभव।

सीफ़ूड के 10 स्वादस्त तथ्य: विविधता, पौष्टिकता, रसदार परंपरा, आनंदकारी अनुभव।

10 Tasty Facts About Seafood

let's know 10 most amazing facts about sea food !

  • General knowledge
  • 604
  • 02, Feb, 2024
Jivika Chawla
Jivika Chawla
  • @JivikaChawla

10 Tasty Facts About Seafood

  1. ‘Super seafood’ is packed with nutrients
  2. Wild seafood is a planet-friendly option
  3. Eating fish instead of meat can help to reduce carbon emissions
  4. There are thousands of different types of seafood to try
  5. People have been eating fish for nearly 2 million years
  6. Fish is the most globally traded food – more than sugar or coffee
  7. It’s not all about food – millions of people depend on fishing as a way of life
  8. By fishing sustainably, we can catch more!
  9. Globally people are eating more fish
  10. By choosing sustainable seafood, you’re helping make sure future generations enjoy fish too

सीफ़ूड के 10 स्वादस्त तथ्य: विविधता, पौष्टिकता, रसदार परंपरा, आनंदकारी अनुभव।

Jivika Chawla

Jivika Chawla

  • @JivikaChawla